Gray Dental Group

Dentist Edmond: Actively Maintaining Dental Health

As the summer temperatures begin to soar higher it’s understandable that you would want a refreshing treat. With that being said, our dentist in Edmond, Philip Gray DDS, encourages you not to resort to eating ice to beat the heat! You may find it easy to starting munching on ice after downing a cold beverage of choice and before you even realize what you’re doing a habit could be formed. As delightful as the crunch of ice can be, there are unavoidable dangers for your dental health if you become addicted to eating ice.

Eating ice in shaved ice pieces (like snow cones) may seem relatively harmless, but it can have a long-term harmful repercussions on teeth. Dr. Gray, your dentist in Edmond has seen the dental damage that can happen as a result of patients eating ice.

Here is a list of problems that Dr. Gray, your dentist in Edmond has noticed in patients who have developed the habit of eating ice:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Damage to tooth enamel (increasing risk of cavities)
  • Chipped dental fillings
  • Broken crowns
  • Increased sensitivity to hot or cold drinks

Dr. Gray, your dentist in Edmond suggests that if you truly crave ice that you see your primary physician for a physical checkup as this could be a sign of anemia. It is often recorded that people with this condition crave ice cubes as a coping mechanism. Of course, it’s entirely possible to just become addicted to the habit without having an underlying health problem, but it’s always safe to be rule out health problems, first. Those with anemia usually stop having the craving for ice once the problem is corrected.

If you can kick the habit on your own, Dr. Gray, your dentist in Edmond suggests that you try sucking on something like an all-natural, homemade fruit popsicle for a healthier alternative to eating old ice chunks and as an added bonus there wouldn’t be added sugar or calories of store-bought popsicles. Furthermore, regular visits to the dentist for routine dental care is fundamental to reduce and repair damage that may have been caused by eating ice!

If you’d like to make an appointment, please feel free to contact Philip Gray DDS at 405-330-5458. We’d love to help you actively maintain your dental health!

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