Gray Dental Group

Dentist Edmond: Information For Diabetic Patients

Dental patients who have diabetes will know that the disease will harm the heart, eyes, nervous system, kidneys, and most other organ systems in the body. The thing many people don’t know is that it can also lead to problems in your mouth. Today, our dentist in Edmond is here to share more about dental health for diabetic patients.

Having diabetes means that you have to take extra care of your body, this includes your mouth. People with diabetes are at a great risk for periodontal or, gum disease and some mouth infections.

Periodontal disease will typically damage the gum and bones of the jaw that hold our teeth in place. Once damaged, the sore or infected tissue can lead to pain while chewing or talking. Series gum disease can even lead to some patients losing their teeth. Periodontal disease can also make it difficult for a patient to control their blood glucose or blood sugar.

A common problem our dentist in Edmond has seen is the issue of patients having dry mouth. The symptom of dry mouth can sometimes be due to diabetes and it can cause soreness, tooth decay, and ulcers.

As an important side note, people who smoke will have a harder time keeping gum disease in check as smoking makes the problem worse.

The question patients often ask of our dentist in Edmond is: “What can I do?”

Here’s the answer provided by our dentist in Edmond! Start by trying to control your blood glucose, or blood sugar, as this is the biggest factor in preventing mouth problems.

Furthermore, patients who neglect blood glucose control will often get gum disease with a higher frequency than patients who control their diabetes. The severity of the infection is often higher in patients who don’t practice good blood sugar control. The best defense is often a good offense and in the case of gum disease it’s true. Daily and even twice daily brushing can help keep gum disease away in patients with diabetes.

If you’re in need of dental care or you have any questions about how to care for your oral hygiene, please feel free to contact our dentist in Edmond. The office of Philip Gray DDS can be reached at 405-330-5458.

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