Gray Dental Group

Does brushing with charcoal really work?

You’ve probably seen it going around on nutrition blogs and on social media. Brushing your teeth with substances like activated charcoal will help make your teeth whiter and shinier. It sounds simple right? But does it really do anything for your teeth. The short answer is it can do something, but not in the way you’re hoping. The Edmond dentist is here to lay down what’s fact and what’s fiction about brushing with activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is supposed to work by cleaning and polishing the enamel on your teeth to clear away the plaque and build-up around them. Elements within the charcoal and the abrasive texture scrub away the bad stuff and leave your teeth shining white.  That’s what it’s supposed to do anyway.

But, according to a study done by the Journal of the American Dental Association there simply isn’t any evidence that that’s the case. Furthermore, claims that brushing with charcoal was 100% safe also could not be verified. More studies are being done but at present there simply is no scientific basis that charcoal does anything for the teeth…except.

Remember when we said activated charcoal can do something? Well if the charcoal is too abrasive, and therefore not approved by the ADA, it can actually wear away the protective enamel on your teeth and expose the underlying dentin. It’s bad enough you might be brushing away your teeth’s best defense, but to add to it dentin is usually yellow meaning your teeth can actually look worse by brushing with charcoal.

So what are the best ways to keep your teeth healthy and shiny? The same ones that have always been: Brushing twice a day, not smoking, flossing, and regular dentist visits.

Schedule an appointment today with Philip Gray, Edmond dentist, and get your smile looking awesome!

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