If you or your family have a dental emergency in Edmond, OK, call Gray Dental Group, for an emergency dental appointment. Dr. Gray is an emergency dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma, and is happy to help you and your family through any dental emergency.

What Are Common Dental Emergencies?
There are three common types of dental emergencies: a knocked-out tooth, a broken tooth, and a toothache. Each dental emergency can have a different cause and treatment plan. Our goal during any dental emergency is to save your natural tooth. We know that the best functioning and appearing tooth is usually genuine. However, if we cannot keep your natural tooth, we offer several treatment options to restore your smile.
Knocked-Out Tooth in Edmond, OK
Whether you were playing a contact sport, were in an accident, or fell, we can help you restore your knocked-out tooth. If you lose a tooth, first, try to find the tooth. If possible, place it back in the socket. Do not wipe off or clean the tooth before placing it in the socket. Cleaning the tooth could damage important tooth structures and jeopardize salvage the tooth. If you cannot remember the tooth back in the socket, place it in a jar or bag of milk. Next, call your emergency dentist in Edmond, OK, Dr. Gray, for an emergency dental appointment. We will attempt to save the tooth during your work and reattach it.
Potential Treatment Options
Although our goal is to permanently restore your smile with your natural teeth, this is sometimes not possible. We have a few different treatment options available to patients with dental emergencies. If you experience a knocked-out tooth, we can restore the missing tooth with a dental implant or a dental bridge. Your dentist can fix broken teeth with dental bonding. In this procedure, Dr. Gray can replace the missing part of the tooth with a composite resin, also called a tooth-colored filling. This filing is malleable and can be molded in place and hardened with heat. Lastly, if you have a toothache and the structures inside or around your tooth cannot be saved, Dr. Gray may recommend a dental implant, a root canal, or a dental crown. The restoration option depends on the cause of the toothache and the damage your tooth has undergone.
Call to Schedule Your Consultation
Many patients who experience dental emergencies in Edmond, OK, come to Dr. Gray at Gray Dental Group for an emergency dental appointment. Dr. Gray is committed to providing high-quality dental care and restoring your natural smile. For more information about dental emergencies or to schedule an appointment, call our office today.